Category: ZOM - (ZIM-X Object Manager)

The Original Internet Language

Selecting by the Locked Property

Objects can be selected by querying the locked property using the selection criteria “l”. All objects that are locked (i.e., have had the locked property set by the user) are selected. For example, in the following command, all objects that are locked are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p l In the…
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Selecting by the Datasave Property

Objects can be selected by querying the datasave property using the selection criteria “ds”. All EntitySet and data relationship objects that are datasave (i.e., have had the datasave property set by the user) are selected. (Objects that have the datasave property have their data records automatically preserved when the object definition is changed using a…
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Selecting Previously Selected Objects

Objects that were selected by the last ZOM service used can be selected again by using the selection criteria “.”. All objects that were previously selected are selected. For example, ZOMSet is used below to process the same set of objects selected by the ZOMList service. In this case, ZOMSet removes the keyword “User_Interface” for…
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Selecting by the Exists Property

Objects can be selected by querying the exists property using the selection criteria “e”. All objects that exist (i.e., have been created in the application) are selected. For example, in the following command, all existing objects are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p e In the next example, all objects that do…
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Selecting by the Compilable Property

Objects can be selected by querying the compilable property using the selection criteria “c”. All objects that are compilable (i.e., document objects that have had the compilable property set by the user) are selected. For example, in the following command, all compilable objects are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p c In…
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Selecting by the Active Property

Objects can be selected by querying the active property using the selection criteria “a”. All objects that are active (i.e., have had the active property set) are selected. (By default, objects are considered active.) For example, in the following command, all objects which are active are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p…
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Selecting by the Compilestatus Property

Objects can be selected by querying the compilestatus property using the selection criteria “ca”. All compiled objects (i.e. document objects that have been compiled) are selected. For example, in the following command, all compiled objects are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p ca In the next example, only those compiled objects that…
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Selecting by Status Properties

Objects have various properties which record the status of the object. You can select objects based on these status properties using the selection operator “p”. Since there are many properties available, you identify the desired property explicitly. Each status property has its own symbol that is used for both selecting and setting the property. For…
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Selecting by Keyword

Objects can be selected by keyword using the selection criteria “k” followed by the keyword (s) to match. All objects that have been assigned the given keyword (s) are selected. For example, in the following command, all objects that have been assigned the keyword “User_Interface” are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +k…
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Selecting Unreferenced Objects

Objects can be selected based on whether or not they are referenced by another object by using the selection operator “u”. An unreferenced object is an object that is not depended on by any other object; e.g., a variable which is not used in a program, relationship, role condition, or a virtual field is ”…
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