Category: ZimServer Configuration

The Original Internet Language

Checkpoint Transactions

checkpoint transactions nn This option indicates how many transactions must be committed to the temporay log file before performing a checkpoint that commits ongoing transactions to disk. The smaller the number of transactions, less efficient will be the overall performance of the system, but the databases involved will be more often updated. If the number…
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Pending Timeout

pending timeout cycles When an object requested by some operation being performed by Zim Server is not available (for instance, locks, blocks, etc.), the request goes to a list of pending objects and stays in the list until the object request can be satisfied. In this list, the object stays for the number of cycles…
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Maximum Data Blocks

maximum data blocks blocks This is the number of real blocks of data kept in memory at a given time by Zim Server to process transactions. The bigger the number, the faster transactions will be because more data will be available all the time. Its number depends only on the available shared memory. If users…
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Maximum Locks

maximum locks locks The number of locks is the maximum number of locks that Zim Server can handle simultaneously. This means that the sum of all locks used in all ongoing transactions cannot exceed this number. Consequently, the larger the number of users, the bigger the number of locks needed, and, correspondingly, more shared memory…
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Object Timeout

object timeout seconds This time indicates how long Zim Server has to wait to acquire control over some objects (locks, buffers, etc.) that are not available in memory before deadlocking the current transaction. The number of seconds is big enough to wait for the object to sleep, go to a pending list if necessary, and…
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Scatter Table Entries

scatter table entries nn Maximum number of entries pointing to lists of blocks currently in use. Each entry corresponds to a block (located in memory) used by a particular user. Each block is described by the configuration option Scatter Table Links. Every time a user uses a block, a table entry is used. Therefore, if…
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Quick Locks

quick locks locks To set a lock on a specific block of data, Zim Server resorts to two levels of locking: first, it tries to set a very fast lock held on a small table of locks. This is the quick locks table with the size of locks. Then, if not possible, Zim Server uses…
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Files Per Transaction

files per transaction files This configuration option manages the number of files that a single transaction can handle within its scope. The parameter files actually indicates how many entity sets and relationships with fields can be processed in the same Zim command for implicit transactions or for all commands within the boundaries of a TRANSACTION…
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Audit Path

audit path path where path is the disk directory path where temporary audit transaction files are placed. If this option is not set, this directory is created under the directory where the Zim product was installed. The temporary transaction files keep track of ongoing transactions before being committed to the real Zim files. They are…
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Backup Path

backup path path The path is a directory path where compacted transaction log files are stored in order to be used by Zim Backup Server. These files correspond to committed transactions from all databases being served by Zim Server and can be placed anywhere in the network so that they are saved in case of…
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