Category: Procedures

The Original Internet Language

How To Use Logic Expressions

A logic expression is an expression that, when evaluated, yields either a $True or a $False result. Logic expressions are subdivided into conditional expressions and Boolean expressions. How To Construct Conditional Expressions A conditional expression is a complex logic expression that consists of two value expressions and an associated conditional operator. The conditional operator performs…
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How To Use Data Masks

Three types of data masks are available: output masks, display masks and input masks. Output Masks An output mask is used to format the data value of a field in a list, report or output command. The output mask of a field is defined by its FieldMask attribute. An explicit output mask can be applied…
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How To Construct a Validation Rule for Alphanumeric Fields

The available pattern symbols for constructing alphanumeric validation rules are A stands for any letter (A-Z, a-z) X stands for any letter or digit (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) 9 stands for any digit (0-9) Z stands for any digit or blank (0-9, the space character) (all others) exact match. To obtain an exact match for A,…
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How To Construct Logic Expressions

Logic expressions represent true or false circumstances. Logic expressions typically consist of at least two arguments (usually value expressions) combined using conditional operators (conditional expressions), Boolean operators (Boolean expressions), or both. Logic expressions can be quite complex. Parentheses can be used to explicitly control the order of evaluation in complex logic expressions. When a statement…
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