3 Responses to “Developer Community”
procedure pgetmyip() local(lvipaddress,lvpath)
%system $concat(“for /f “,’”tokens=2 delims=:”‘,” %i in (‘ipconfig ^| findstr IPv4 ^| findstr [0-9]’) do echo %i > “,$dbpath,”\\myip.txt”) remote
system $concat(‘!for /f ‘,’”tokens=3 delims=: ” %i in (‘,”‘netsh interface ip show config name^=”,’”Wi-Fi” ^| findstr “IP Address”‘,”‘) do echo %i > “,$dbpath,”\\myip.txt”) remote
let lvpath = $concat(“file://”,$dbpath,”/myip.txt”)
set input stdin FILEPATH lvpath
add 1 esettings from stdin
find 1 esettings sorted by fftimestamp descending -> ipset
compute 1 ipset evaluate (let vipaddress = ffipaddress)
if $length(vipaddress) < 5
let vipaddress = ''
endifset input terminal
I will post some errors that occur in build 2792
- Maximum number of connections exceeded.
This error occurs when I try to open two Zim sessions. The activation key is with 3 users.
- An error occurs when trying to open some forms in the IDE:
- The command “form set (unavailable) form_name.fieldname” causes the Zim connection to abort
- The “form display” does not show the actual size of the “barcode” tool created in the IDE.
- There are many citations in the documentation alluding to “Zim Databases Canada Inc.”.
*** Error *** A CONNECT/DISCONNECT parameter does not evaluate to a (not $null) character string.
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