SET (Field Attributes)

SET (Field Attributes)

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SET (Field Attributes)

Modify certain attributes of fields.



SET <fieldname> FIELDLISTWIDTH <number>

SET <fieldname> HEADING <charstring>

SET <fieldname> MASKFIELD <charstring>

SET <fieldname> REMNAME <charstring>


fieldnameThe name of a field.
ON or OFFSpecifies if the field can have the value $null. This is equivalent to changing the REQD field to “yes” or “no”.
numberAn integer constant.
charstringA character string.


This SET command enables users to modify certain attributes of fields without doing an ERASE and CREATE command. These SET commands modify the operational state of the fields and are in effect until the field’s owner is erased.
The SET REQUIRED command changes if a field can have the value $null. This is equivalent to changing the REQD field to “yes” or “no”.
SET FIELDLISTWIDTH alters the list width of a field.
SET HEADING and SET MASKFIELD alter the heading and mask patterns for a field. Setting HEADING and MASKFIELD to the zero length string ” effectively deletes any heading or mask that was previously defined.
SET REMNAME specifies a new remote name for the field or deletes the existing remote name if the new setting is ”.
The SET SELECTIVITY is identical to the existing SET SELECTIVITY command, except that the is specified before the attribute SELECTIVITY rather than after.

See Also


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