Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Enables or disables the requirement of typing the decimal point. Syntax SET DECIMALPOINT ON|OFF Comments The DECIMALPOINT option is set ON by default. DECIMALPOINT only has an effect on entry fields during FORM INPUT: When DECIMALPOINT is ON: typed digits fill the input mask from the right-most digit leftwards there is no need to type…
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Specifies the fields that are selected for a report Syntax DETAIL LINE [colheadings] [GRAPHIC [TEMPLATE name]] reportitem [:format:] [WHERE clause] Parameters colheadings Can be COLUMN HEADING OFF Specifies that column break headings are not to be re-displayed at the top of each report page. LEVEL n [WIDTH n ] LEVEL 0 causes level 0 column…
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Copies files from the server side to the client side. Syntax $copytoclient(source file name, destination file name, file type) where source file name an expression that evaluates to a character string containing a valid file address destination file name an expression that evaluates to a character string containing a valid file address file type an…
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Set Specification

Set Specification Identifies particular records in an Zim database. Syntax object [WHERE clause] [SORTED BY clause] [KEEP clause] Parameters object The name of an EntitySet, relationship, form, application document, or result set. Role names can be used for EntitySets or relationships. Any number of objects can be specified, provided that they are meaningful in context.…
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-> (Dynamic Rename)

-> (Dynamic Rename) Renames a component of the set specification in the main command. A set specification can consist of one or more components. When you create a result set, the structure of that set reflects the component names or role names found in the original set specification. To use a result set in a…
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Extracts a segment of a character string. Syntax $substring(source,position,length) Parameters source a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string position a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number length a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Character string, containing a string extracted from source,…
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Presents online help information. Syntax HELP [topic] Parameters For files that invoke the winhelp executable topic A character string or a number, or an expression that evaluates to a character string or a number. Identifies a particular help topic in the help file. If topic is a character string, the HELP command accesses the help…
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Starts and defines a procedure. Syntax PROCEDURE procname ([IN|OUT|INOUT] parm) [LOCAL (var)] Parameters procname A valid object name. Procname must be the name of the existing application document that contains this procedure and must not conflict with a system keyword. IN, OUT, or INOUT Designates the direction in which the associated parm passes a value:…
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Defines and marks the start of a local procedure within an application program. Syntax LOCALPROCEDURE procname> ([IN|OUT|INOUT] parm)[LOCAL(var)] Parameters procname   A valid object name. The name of the local procedure cannot conflict with a software keyword. When a local procedure name conflicts with a pre-defined object name, the local procedure name takes precedence, provided…
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Breaks the body of column-oriented reports into summary groups. Syntax COLUMN BREAK level [HEADING reportitem [:format:]] [FOOTING reportitem [:format:]] Parameters level The break level number (an integer greater than or equal to zero). In the hierarchy of breaks, the higher the level number, the more minor the break. (For example, a level 1 break also…
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