Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Marks the end of a procedure. Syntax ENDPROCEDURE Comments ENDPROCEDURE is used only in conjunction with a LOCALPROCEDURE or PROCEDURE command. It is the last command of a procedure in an application program. See Also LOCALPROCEDURE PROCEDURE


Starts an explicit transaction. Syntax BEGIN WORK Comments This command is the SQL equivalent of the TRANSACTION command. See Also $InTransaction COMMIT WORK ROLLBACK WORK TRANSACTION

– (Subtract/Negative)

– (Subtract/Negative) Indicates a negative value (unary -) or subtracts one value from another. Syntax [expression1] – expression2 The minus sign (-) subtracts the expression on the right from the expression on the left. where expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2 a number or expression that evaluates to a number…
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Performs real-time and on-line backups of Zim databases. Unix Syntax [nohup] zimbackup [-k] & Windows NT Syntax [start] zimbackup [-k] Parameters -k optional parameter to stop Zim Backup Server Comments Zim Backup Server, working together with Zim Server, performs a real-time, online backup of any databases being serviced by Zim Server. All modifications performed by…
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Sends a bitmap image of the screen to print; output is sent to either the clipboard or the standard output printer. Syntax $screenprint() Return Value Returns “1” ($True) if no errors were detected before the print job was submitted. Otherwise, returns “0” ($False). See Also $printersetup $screensave PRINT


Ends a transaction and writes all updates to the database. Syntax COMMIT WORK Comments This command is the SQL equivalent to the ENDTRANSACTION command. See Also $InTransaction BEGIN WORK ROLLBACK WORK TRANSACTION


Controls if virtual fields can be output using a LIST command. Syntax SET OUTPUT VIRTUALFIELD ON|OFF Comments The OUTPUT VIRTUALFIELD option is set ON by default. Normally, LIST can output virtual fields. To suppress the output of virtual fields, set OUTPUT VIRTUALFIELD to OFF. See Also LIST


Obtain the oldest event generated by a COM component. Syntax $ObjGetEvent (Object) Parameters Object an object variable or formfield of type OLE Return Value Returns a result as per the specification of the object. Note: Zim attempts to convert to the assigned type. Ensure a proper variable type is assigned. Comments COM objects can generate…
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Identifies the software that is currently being used. Syntax $zimversion Return Value A number. Cannot be reset by an application program. Description The version number of the software currently being used (e.g., 5.002). See Also $ZimOS $ZimProduct System Variables


The error code returned from the SQL database. Syntax $sqlerrcode Value A number. Can be reset by an application program. Description A numeric code returned from the SQL database for the last SQL statement executed. For explanation of these error codes, consult the documentation for the particular SQL server. See Also $SQLErrMsg System Variables
