Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Changes, with data from the terminal, any EntitySet, relationship with fields, form, or result set, prompting with field names and existing values. Syntax CFT [object [field]] Parameters object The name of an EntitySet, relationship with fields, form, or result set. A role name can be used. If omitted, the current set is used. field A…
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Adds data from the terminal to any EntitySet or relationship with fields, prompting with field names. Syntax AFT [object [field]] Parameters object The name of an EntitySet or relationship with fields. A role name can be used. field A target field in object. If omitted, the software prompts for all fields in object in their…
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The name of a graphics software package. Syntax $graphics Return Value A character string. Can be reset by an application program. Description Set by the application program to the name of a graphics program. $Graphics can be set to the name of a graphics program of your choosing. The name should include the full disk…
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Returns the smaller of a pair of numbers. Syntax $minof(number1,number2) Parameters number1 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number number2 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value The value returned by $minof has the same number of decimal places as the number that is returned. Comments The…
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Indicates the direction in which focus was moving when an event occurs. Syntax $direction Return Value A number (-1, 0, or +1.) Can be reset by an application program. Description The direction of travel of focus when an event occurred. Value Meaning -1 “Backward” direction. The focus was moving backward (with respect to the current…
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Tests if a number is odd. Syntax $isodd(expression) Parameters expression a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value If expression evaluates to an odd number, the function returns “1” ($True); if expression evaluates to an even number, the function returns”0″ ($False) If expression does not evaluate to a number, the software…
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Extracts the month number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $month(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts month information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $month(19931225) Evaluates to “12”. $month($date+7)…
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Closes an application directory. Syntax RELEASE directoryname Parameters directoryname The name of an application directory. Comments The RELEASE command closes the specified directory by removing it from the directory list, freeing the memory where the symbols defined in the directory were stored. Objects (and their data) belonging to the specified directory are no longer accessible.…
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Tests if a character string contains only digits. Syntax $isdigit(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string is all…
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Obtain the name of the current event. Syntax $ObjEventName Return Value Returns a string. Warning COM objects are being discontinued by Microsoft and may not be available in future releases of Zim-X.
