Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Extracts the day number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $day(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $day(19981225) Evaluates to “25”. $day($date+7)…
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Calculates the arcsine of a number. Syntax $asin(number) Parameters number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Comments Use $asin to calculate the arcsine (in radians) of a number. The value returned by this function has the same number of…
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Performs a bit-wise NOT of a value. Syntax $not(char) Parameters char a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Character string. Comments The $not function reverses the bit pattern of a single character in the fashion of a Boolean NOT and returns the resulting character. If the char string…
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Returns the larger of a pair of numbers. Syntax $maxof(number1,number2) Parameters number1 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number number2 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value The value returned by $maxof has the same number of decimal places as the number that is returned. Comments The…
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Returns the length of a character string. Syntax $length(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Number. Comments If string is a complex arithmetic expression, then the result of $length(string) is always 17. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated using the data type vastint so that the largest…
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Returns the smaller of a pair of numbers. Syntax $minof(number1,number2) Parameters number1 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number number2 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value The value returned by $minof has the same number of decimal places as the number that is returned. Comments The…
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Tests if a number is odd. Syntax $isodd(expression) Parameters expression a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value If expression evaluates to an odd number, the function returns “1” ($True); if expression evaluates to an even number, the function returns”0″ ($False) If expression does not evaluate to a number, the software…
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Extracts the month number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $month(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts month information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $month(19931225) Evaluates to “12”. $month($date+7)…
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Tests if a character string contains only digits. Syntax $isdigit(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string is all…
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Syntax SET TRANSACTION DEFAULTTYPE READ|NORMAL Comments This command is ignored by Zim 9.
