Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Controls the spacing between columns in the output of LIST and OUTPUT commands. Syntax SET COLUMNSPACING num Parameters num Num can bean integer constant (e.g., 15, 200),a variable, form field, menu item, or parameter that evaluates to an integer,A setting of zero is valid. Comments The COLUMNSPACING option is set to 1 by default. The…
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Calculates the arcsine of a number. Syntax $asin(number) Parameters number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Comments Use $asin to calculate the arcsine (in radians) of a number. The value returned by this function has the same number of…
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MINUS Removes the members of one or more result sets from a another result set. Syntax set1 MINUS set2 Parameters set1 A result set that resulted from the execution of a set-producing command. The sets must all have the same component structure. set2 A result set that resulted from the execution of a set-producing command.…
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Turns set-processing messages on and off. Syntax SET MEMBERCOUNT ON|OFF Comments When MEMBERCOUNT is set ON, messages tracking the progress of set-processing commands are output. Messages overwrite each other at intervals specified by the SET MEMBERINTERVAL command. Progress messages take the form nnn processed. Messages are output with a carriage return but with no line…
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Performs a bit-wise NOT of a value. Syntax $not(char) Parameters char a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Character string. Comments The $not function reverses the bit pattern of a single character in the fashion of a Boolean NOT and returns the resulting character. If the char string…
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Indicates the character set used by the application database. Syntax $dbcharset Return Value 2 for ANSI or 3 for UTF-8, depending on the character set specified when the database was initialized. Cannot be reset by an application program. Description When you initialize a new application database, the database (ZIMBOOT) administrative utility requires you to specify…
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^ (Exponent)

Raises one value to the power of another. Syntax expression1 ^ expression2 The circumflex (^) raises the expression on the left to the power of the expression on the right. If the circumflex is not available on your terminal, substitute two asterisks (**). Parameters expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2…
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Specifies if dependencies between objects are to be tracked. Syntax SET DEPENDENCY ON|OFF Comments The DEPENDENCY option is set ON by default. When DEPENDENCY is ON, dependency information is stored when you CREATE, ERASE, or RENAME an object in the Object Dictionary. (For example, creating a relationship establishes dependencies between the relationship, the objects being…
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Returns the larger of a pair of numbers. Syntax $maxof(number1,number2) Parameters number1 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number number2 a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value The value returned by $maxof has the same number of decimal places as the number that is returned. Comments The…
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Returns the length of a character string. Syntax $length(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Number. Comments If string is a complex arithmetic expression, then the result of $length(string) is always 17. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated using the data type vastint so that the largest…
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