Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Translates data from one character set to another. Syntax $dostoansi(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Comments Converts the data in string from the OEM character set to the ANSII character set. See Also $ansitodos $DBCharSet SET DOCUMENT FORMAT


Calculates an exponential value of the natural base (e). Syntax $exp(number) Parameters number a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Example $exp(2.000) The above expression means “the natural base e, squared” and evaluates to 7.389. See Also $log $log10 $sqrt…
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Returns the last Automatic Sequence Number applied. Syntax $ ZimSeqNum Return Value Number, representing an Automatic Sequence Number or $Null in case of an error. Comments The value returned by $ ZimSeqNum is taken from the most recent ASN used. Notice that when the ADD command adds more than one record, $ ZimSeqNum will contain…
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$addhours Calculates a time value by adding hours to (or subtracting hours from) a specified time value. Syntax $addhours(time,number) where time an 8-digit number, or an expression that evaluates to an 8-digit number, that expresses a valid time value in the format HHMMSSTT number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return…
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The function $RightClickMenu displays a right-click menu at the location of the last right click or at (0,0) if none has occurred. It has the following syntax: $RightClickMenu (“ListOfMenuItems”) where ListOfMenuItems is a string composed of menu item strings separated by semicolons. The menu separator is a valid menu item and is identified by one…
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Calculates the square root of a number. Syntax $sqrt(number) Parameters number a positive number or an expression that evaluates to a positive number Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Example $sqrt (100) The above expression means “the square root (in base 10) of 100” and evaluates to 10. See…
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Determines if a particular window is currently open for use. Syntax $iswinopen(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Evaluates to “1” ($True) if string is the name of a window that is currently open; otherwise, evaluates to “0” ($False). Comments Use the value of the…
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Extracts minutes information from a standard time value. Syntax $minutes(time) Parameters time an 8-digit number, or an expression that evaluates to an 8-digit number, expressing valid time in the form HHMMSSTT Return Value Number. Comments The system variable $Time is often used for time. Example $minutes($Time) Evaluates to 59 when $Time has the value 23595999.…
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Extracts seconds information from a standard time value. Syntax $seconds(time) Parameters time an 8-digit number, or an expression that evaluates to an 8-digit number, expressing valid time in the form HHMMSSTT Return Value Number. Comments The system variable $Time is often used for time. Example $seconds($Time) Evaluates to 59 when $Time has the value 23595999.…
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Determines which exponent of base 10 yields a given value. Syntax $log10(number) Parameters number a positive number or an expression that evaluates to a positive number Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Example let var1=$log10(100) The above expression means “the exponent of base 10 that yields the value 100”…
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