Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language

% (Comment)

Marks the start of a comment in an application program. Syntax [ZIMcommand] % comment Parameters ZIMcommand Any portion of a command that appears on one line in an application program. comment Any string of characters, normally a few words explaining either ZIMcommand or an entire section of the program. The command parser ignores comment. Comments…
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? (Wildcard)

Matches all subsequent characters in a value. Syntax expression1 = expression2 ? Parameters expression1 A character string, or a variable or form field that evaluates to a character string. expression2 A character string, or a variable or form field that evaluates to a character string. Comments Used with the equals sign in logic expressions, the…
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DDEExecute Send commands and macros to the target application. Syntax procedure DDEExecute (out tErrCode, inout tServ, in app_cmd) Parameters tErrCode longint, an error code tServ longint, connection handle app_cmd char, command or macro to be executed Comments DDEExecute sends target application specific commands and macros to be executed by the remote application. Consult the documentation of…
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DDEPoke Assigns a value to a specific item in a remote application. Syntax procedure DDEPoke (out tErrCode, inout tServ, in dde_item, in dde_val) Parameters tErrCode longint, an error code tServ longint, connection handle dde_item char, item name dde_val char, value of the item Comments DDEPoke assigns a value to a specific item in a remote application.…
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DDEPeek Syntax procedure DDEPeek (out tErrCode, inout tServ, in dde_item, out dde_val) Parameters tErrCode longint, an error code tServ longint, connection handle dde_item char, item name dde_val char, value of the returned item. Must be a string at least five characters in length Comments DDEPeek retrieves the value of a specific item from a remote…
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Extracts the year number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $year(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $year(19981225) Evaluates to “1998”. $year($date…
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Tests if a character string is a valid object name. Syntax $iszimname(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string…
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Determines the day-of-the-week number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $weekday(date) Parameters date a date, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $weekday(19981225) Evaluates to “7”. $weekday($date+7)…
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Tests if an expression produces a valid number after its evaluation. Syntax $isnumber(expression) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character…
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Converts a character into its ordinal number value. Syntax $toord(char) Parameters char a character string, or any expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Number. Comments Each of the decimal numbers from 0 to 255 represents a character output by your workstation. $Toord converts the given character to the corresponding decimal number. If…
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