Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Extracts the year number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $year(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $year(19981225) Evaluates to “1998”. $year($date…
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Tests if a character string is a valid object name. Syntax $iszimname(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string…
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Controls the overall width of pages output by the LIST command. Syntax SET PAGEWIDTH num Parameters num Num specifies, in characters, the width of an output page. Num can be an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200). a variable, form field, menu item, or parameter that evaluates to an integer. Comments The PAGEWIDTH option is set…
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Determines the day-of-the-week number associated with a specified date value. Syntax $weekday(date) Parameters date a date, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. Example $weekday(19981225) Evaluates to “7”. $weekday($date+7)…
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Tests if an expression produces a valid number after its evaluation. Syntax $isnumber(expression) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character…
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Converts a character into its ordinal number value. Syntax $toord(char) Parameters char a character string, or any expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Number. Comments Each of the decimal numbers from 0 to 255 represents a character output by your workstation. $Toord converts the given character to the corresponding decimal number. If…
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Controls the overall length of pages output by the LIST command. Syntax SET PAGESIZE num Parameters num Num specifies, in lines, the height of an output page. Num can be: an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200); a variable, form field, menu item, or parameter that evaluates to an integer. Comments The PAGESIZE option is set…
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Tests if the letters in a character string are uppercase. Syntax $isupper(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string…
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Tests if a character string contains only letters. Syntax $isalphabetic(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string is alphabetic.…
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Tests if the letters in a character string are lowercase. Syntax $islower(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string…
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