Category: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Specifies the current input document. Syntax SET INPUT docname [FILEPATH options] Parameters docname The name of the application document to which all output is to be sent. Can also be one of the two pre-defined application documents, terminal or printer. FILEPATH options Specifies that the input document will be governed by the options as follows:file://<the…
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Reads a text file containing a JSON structure and places its compressed contents in a variable. Syntax $getjson(<a variable>, <a document name>) Parameters a variable a variable, a field name or a form field name receiving the contents of the document a document a valid Zim:X document name pointing to a JSON structured text file…
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Finds data within a JSON record using selection criteria. Syntax $findjson(source, argument-1, argument-2, …, argument-n) Parameters source a field, a variable, a form field or a constant containing a JSON structure argument-1 selection criteria to be searched within the specified source argument-2 secondary selection criteria to be searched within the result just found by the previous selection…
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An IN comparison is logically true if expression is equal to at least one of the values in the specified list. A NOT IN comparison is logically true if expression is not equal to any of the values in the specified list. In either case, the comparison ends as soon as a logically true instance is found.

How To Call Procedures

The syntax of a call to a procedure is procname (expression) Parameters procname The name assigned to the procedure in its PROCEDURE or LOCALPROCEDURE command. expression Any value expression. Comments The list of expressions must be enclosed in parentheses; even when no expressions are required, the parentheses must still appear. At the prompt level, you can issue a call to the main procedure of any procedure program. Within a procedure program, you can issue a call to any…
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How To Name Objects

Names for objects defined in the Object Dictionary must conform to the following conventions: The name can be from 1 to 18 characters in length. The name can contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). The name must begin with a letter or a dollar sign. Most names must be unique among objects of the same type in the same application…
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Object permissions

There are two types of permissions – object permissions (EntitySets, relationships, and directories) and field-level permissions. Field level permissions take precedence over object permissions. The permissions are set as follows: The following chart summarizes the permissions needed in order to successfully execute a given form of data manipulation on an object where permissions are currently in place. Definitions are as follows: Owner refers to the user who…
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Case Sensitivity

Except in certain limited instances (e.g., security passwords, values held in objects of data type CHAR and VARCHAR), the software is case insensitive. Insensitivity to case means that the software makes no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters in any part of a statement. For example, the following statements are identical, provided LastName is not a CHAR or…
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Data Types

Any value expression used in an application – including the names of objects that represent values – must conform to one of the available data types. Data Types and Objects Objects that represent values (constants, variables, fields and form fields) have an explicit data type attribute defined in the Object Dictionary. Value expressions that are not defined objects take implicit data types. The data type of…
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Output Masks

Output masks are employed to format the output of fields, form fields, and data values in output operations. The MASK format option in Zim Reports specifies an output mask pattern for a report item. The $mask function specifies an output masking pattern to be applied to fields, form fields, and data values and returns a character string with the result of the masking operation. The Field Mask attribute defines the expected output format of a field’s data value…
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