Category: Programs and Utilities

The Original Internet Language

Processing Options

Processing options are used to set object status properties and to modify the behavior of the service being invoked. Each ZOM service specifies the processing options that apply. For more information, see the Reference Guide. However, there are some processing options that apply generally to all ZOM services and these options are described in the…
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Redirecting Output

The “d” option is used to redirect the output of a ZOM service to a document. For example, the following lists information on all the objects named “Inventory” to the document ListOutputDoc: ZOMList Inventory ;d ListOutputDoc In this case, the contents of ListOutputDoc are overwritten. ListOutputDoc must be an existing document object. If you want…
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Assigning Keywords

You can also use processing options to set and reset keywords for your objects. The option syntax is similar to the selection syntax for keywords. You specify the processing option “;k” followed by the keyword. For example, the following command assigns the keyword “Customer_Forms” to all Form objects with names starting with “fCust”: ZOMSet fCust*…
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Setting Status Properties

You can use processing options to set and reset any of the user-designated status properties. The option syntax is similar to the selection syntax for status properties. Specify the processing option ;p followed by the status property indicator. For example, the following command assigns the locked property to all Entity Set objects: ZOMSet +t Ent…
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Selecting by Named Set

Objects can be selected by a named set that contains a list of objects. This named set must be constructed using the ObjList EntitySet: find all ObjList where ObjectName like ‘%Cust%’ -> sCust In this example, all objects of the set “sCust” are selected: ZOMList +s sCust

Selecting by the Data Property

Objects can be selected by querying the data property using the selection criteria “da”. All data objects (i.e., EntitySet objects and relationships with field objects) are selected. For example, in the following command, all data objects are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p da In the next example, all objects that are…
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Selecting by the Selected Property

Objects can be selected by querying the selected property using the selection criteria “s”. All objects that are selected (i.e., have been assigned by the user as selected) are selected. In the following example, all objects that are considered selected by the user are selected: ZOMList +p s In the next example, all objects that…
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Selecting by the Locked Property

Objects can be selected by querying the locked property using the selection criteria “l”. All objects that are locked (i.e., have had the locked property set by the user) are selected. For example, in the following command, all objects that are locked are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p l In the…
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Selecting by the Datasave Property

Objects can be selected by querying the datasave property using the selection criteria “ds”. All EntitySet and data relationship objects that are datasave (i.e., have had the datasave property set by the user) are selected. (Objects that have the datasave property have their data records automatically preserved when the object definition is changed using a…
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Selecting Previously Selected Objects

Objects that were selected by the last ZOM service used can be selected again by using the selection criteria “.”. All objects that were previously selected are selected. For example, ZOMSet is used below to process the same set of objects selected by the ZOMList service. In this case, ZOMSet removes the keyword “User_Interface” for…
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