Category: ZIM Product Suite

The Original Internet Language

Portability Benefits of Zim Client-Server

A Zim Client-Server application can be developed as a stand-alone standard Zim application on any supported platform. Once developed, the application can be moved easily to another platform and configured to access remote data sources. Because of this capability, Zim enables you to separate your application from the ultimate data source, enabling development to be…
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Zim Server Performance Tuning

After running your Zim applications for a while, it will probably be needed to re-configure Zim Server to provide better performance. Basically, three things can be taken into account: 1) Maximize the use of shared memory by allocating as many buffers and areas as possible; 2) At the same time, balance the use of shared…
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Memory Use in the Client

Because Zim 9 always operates in the client/server mode, memory operations performed by the client are not affected by what is being done in the server and vice-versa. When running Zim on Windows in the client side, the local machine is dedicated to the client session; therefore, all resources available can be used solely for…
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Memory Use in the Server

If the contents of all files that an application requires at any given time could be stored in memory, response time would be very rapid. Using main memory is much quicker than using disk input/output (I/O) because the time required to access files from disk is much greater than that required to access them from…
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Performance Tuning

When considering the performance of an application, individual users have different criteria in mind. To some, performance is the speed at which an application responds to the requests of an application user. To others, it is the ability of the application to run properly within the limits set by the hardware or operating system. Performance…
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DDE Error Return Codes

The return value of $DDEFunction is one of the following. A negative result indicates failure. Value Description 0 DDE service completed successfully. -1001 Bad DDE service indicator type; p2 is not of type longint or int. -1002 Unknown DDE service indicator value; p2 not 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. -1003 Attempt to CONNECT failed.…
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Zim Integrated Server (ZIS)

Windows Zim Server can be started manually from the Start menu, or the Startup folder. You can also start the process from the command prompt:   start zsvserv.exe [-p <port number> | -s <service>]   This command starts Zim Server in its own console window. The -p option sets the port number on which the server is listening. The -s option does the…
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Error Handling

Errors generated during the Zim Server Connectivity activity can be checked via the system variables $SQLErrCode and $SQLErrMsg. The first one contains the error number and the second one the message text corresponding to that error number.

Controlling Program Execution

Zim application programs can be compiled in ZIMMODE, SERVERMODE, or SQLMODE depending the type of the data dictionary objects used (fields EntType, RelType or DocType). See details in the Zim command SET COMPILEMODE. Zim applications can operate in ZIMMODE, SERVERMODE, or SQLMODE by means of the use of the command  SET EXECUTEMODE which controls the…
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Tracing Zim Server Connectivity

There are two ways of tracing the activity of the Zim Server Connectivity: 1) At the client side: when accessing a remote database, Zim translates Zim commands syntax into an appropriate syntax for execution on the remote server. In general, Zim commands are executed through a combination of processing at the server (or at several…
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