Categoria: ZIM User Documentation

The Original Internet Language


Controls the way Automatic Sequence Numbers operate. Syntax SET SEQUENCENUMBER {object | ALL} {number | variable | ON | OFF}. where object The name of an Entity-Set Relationship with fields that contains an ASN defined ALL Refer to all Entity-Sets and Relationships with fields that contain ASNs defined number a positive number from 1 up…
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Executes server-side functions. Syntax $serverfunction (server specific syntax [«,parameters»]) Parameters server specific syntax A character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string containing a server-specific syntax for execution on the server side. parameters Zero or more expressions to satisfy the usage of the server-specific syntax. Return Value A value created by the…
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Performs a bit-wise AND of two values. Syntax $and(char1,char2) Parameters char1 a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string char2 a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Character string. Comments The $and function combines the bit patterns of two characters in the fashion of…
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Specifies the current output. Syntax SET OUTPUT docname [APPEND] [FILEPATH file://<file full path>] Parameters docname The name of the application document to which all output is to be sent. Can also be one of the two pre-defined application documents, terminal or printer. APPEND Specifies that new output to docname is to be appended to the…
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KEEP Keeps (retains) some components in a result set while discarding others. Syntax KEEP «component» Parameters component The name of a component found among the objects declared in a set specification. Any number of components can be specified, provided they appear among the declared objects. Comments In certain instances, you want to select records from…
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Calculates a time value by adding ticks to (or subtracting ticks from) a specified time value. Syntax $addticks(time,number) Parameters time an 8-digit number, or an expression that evaluates to an 8-digit number, that expresses a valid time value in the format HHMMSSTT number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value…
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Specifies the vertical footing for each page in a column-oriented report. Syntax PAGE RIGHT reportitem [:format:] Parameters reportitem Any valid expression. Complex expressions must be enclosed in parentheses. When you specify more than one expression, each must be separated from the next by at least one space. format A set of instructions defining the format…
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Deletes data from EntitySets or relationships with fields. Syntax DELETE [num] [setspec] [EVALUATE clause] [-> clause] Parameters num Can be an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, a form field, or a parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. If num is omitted, or less than 0, it defaults to 1. setspec The…
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Deletes records from EntitySets or relationships with fields. Syntax DELETE [ALL] FROM SQLsetspec [EVALUATE clause] [-> clause] Parameters ALL Optional. Whether or not you include the ALL argument, all records in SQLsetspec are deleted. SQLsetspec An SQL set specification. If omitted, records are deleted from the current set (if it exists). Comments DELETE FROM is…
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Returns information about the currently accessed application directories. Syntax $dirpath() Return Value Character string. Comments $dirpath returns a character string consisting of the names of all currently accessed application directories and their access types (U for update, R for read). Information about each directory is enclosed in semicolons (;). The directory name appears first, followed…
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