Categoria: ZIM User Documentation

The Original Internet Language


Locates a particular member of a result set and makes it the current member. Syntax LOCATE [num] [set] [WHERE clause] Parameters num The number of records to be located. Num can be an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200); a variable, form field, menu item, or formal parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL.…
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Changes data in EntitySets, relationships, forms, or sets. Syntax UPDATE [ALL] [SQLsetspec] SET «field = value » [WHERE clause [EVALUATE clause] [-> clause] Parameters ALL Optional. Regardless of whether ALL is entered, all records in the set specification that meet the specified condition (if any) are updated. SQLsetspec An SQL set specification. Can contain application…
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USING In a set specification, qualifies a relationship. Syntax relationship («USING obj1 AS obj2») Parameters relationship The name of the relationship being qualified. obj1 The name of an object used elsewhere in the set specification in which relationship appears. Must be the name or role name of an EntitySet, relationship, form, or application document. Must…
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SET (Field Attributes)

Modify certain attributes of fields. Syntax SET <fieldname> REQUIRED ON|OFF SET <fieldname> FIELDLISTWIDTH <number> SET <fieldname> HEADING <charstring> SET <fieldname> MASKFIELD <charstring> SET <fieldname> REMNAME <charstring> Parameters fieldname The name of a field. ON or OFF Specifies if the field can have the value $null. This is equivalent to changing the REQD field to “yes”…
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Checks whether a given Zim object exists in a Zim directory. Syntax $exist$(Zim directory name, object name, object type) Parameters Zim directory name A character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string, naming the ZIM directory to which the object would belong object name A character string or an expression that evaluates…
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Turns the output of cross-reference information on or off during parsing and compiling. Syntax SET XREF ON|OFF Comments The XREF option is set OFF by default. When XREF is ON, the software sends dependency information to the current output when an application program is parsed or compiled. One line of output is generated for every…
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Adds a single record to EntitySets or relationships ( ISQL option only). Syntax INSERT INTO object [( field)] VALUES(expr1 | NULL) [EVALUATE clause] [clause] Parameters object The name of an EntitySet or relationship with fields to which you want to add a record. A role name can be used. field A target field in object.…
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Lists selected data from the database. Syntax SELECT [ALL] [DISTINCT] values FROM SQLsetspec [-> setname] Parameters ALL An optional keyword indicating that all records of the specified type are to be listed. But, even if ALL is omitted, all records are processed by default. DISTINCT Specifies that only the records that contain unique values in…
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ZIMACTIV (Zim:X Product Activation)

Activates ZIM:X products and provides information about the activated products in your system. Syntax ZIMACTIV [action] [serial number] [activation key] [company name] Parameters action Action to be taken in regards to an activation key. It can be one of -a Activates the ZIM product based on the information provided by the subsequent parameters. -c Checks…
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Resets most global application settings to their default state. Syntax SET RESET Comments The SET RESET command returns most global application settings to their default values. The global application settings reset to their defaults by SET RESET include SET AUTORETRY NOT APPLICABLE SET CHECKNULLS SET COLUMNSPACING SET CURSOR SET DELIMITER SET DOCLINELENGTH SET EOFVALUE SET…
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