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Specifies the current output.


SET OUTPUT docname [APPEND] [FILEPATH file://<file full path>]


docnameThe name of the application document to which all output is to be sent. Can also be one of the two pre-defined application documents, terminal or printer.
APPENDSpecifies that new output to docname is to be appended to the output already existing in the application document (if any).
FILEPATH file://<file full path>Specifies that output will be written to the file declared in the file option.


The SET OUTPUT command specifies the application document that is to receive the output from all subsequent FORM REPORT, GENERATE, LIST, OUTPUT, PRINT, REPORT FROM, and SELECT commands. The setting remains in effect until changed by a subsequent SET OUTPUT command.

The software provides two pre-defined application documents, terminal and printer, that correspond to your terminal screen and default printer, respectively. OUTPUT is set to Terminal by default. If set to printer, the SET OUTPUT command has no impact on the format in which the report prints; use $setproperty to change print properties for a report.


set output MyDoc append
set output printer
report from ...
... other commands ...
set output terminal

This example shows how to write a document anywhere in the system. The first SET OUTPUT sets the output to “c:\myDir\FirstFile.txt” while the second sets it to “c:\myDir\SecondFile.txt”.

set output MyDoc filepath "file://c:\\myDir\\FirstFile.txt"
list 20 zimprof
set output MyDoc filepath "file://c:\\myDir\\SecondFile.txt"
list all AnotherDoc
set output terminal
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