The List Box
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The List Box
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Main Characteristics of List Boxes
List Box Attributes
– Identification
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Field Type | – | The type of this form field or of this user interface object. (Read-only). |
Field Name | variable | A string that identifies this form field within the Zim application; Automatically assigned by the Zim IDE when a new form field is created; May be changed by the developer, but must always conform to the Zim Object Naming Rules and satisfy the Zim Object Uniqueness Conditions. |
Field Number | 0 | A number that may be used to identify this form field within the Zim application and in Callback Events; May be changed by the developer and need not be unique; Value must be an integer between 0 and 999; |
Field Tag | “” | A string that may be used to identify this form field within the Zim application and in Callback Events; May be changed by the developer and need not be unique; If left blank, the Zim IDE will assign the value of Field Name to Field Tag. |
Directory | ZIM | The directory that owns the parent form of this form field (Read-only). |
Form Name | – | A string that identifies the parent form of this form field (Read-only). |
Help Message | “” | A help message that will be displayed when this form field or this menu item receives input focus; Displayed in the status bar of the window associated with the parent form of this form field (if the window object’s Status Bar attribute is set to True); Displayed in a message field if one such field exists in the parent form of this form field. |
– Appearance
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Customized Pointer | default | The pointer (or cursor) style when the pointer is hovering over (or the cursor is inside) an available form field; May be selected from the following choices in the list box: Arrow → the standard arrow cursor; Cross-hair → ; I-Beam → ; Icon → ; Resize → ; Size NE SW → ; Size NS → ; Size NW SE → ; Size WE → ; Up Arrow → ; Hourglass → ; default → The pointer style will be I-Beam for Entry Field and Arrow for all other form fields. |
Fill Character | ” “ | The character used to fill blank spaces in this form field. |
Initial Items | “” | A collection of strings that will be available for selection in this form field. Each string will appear on a different line; Strings are terminated by the enter key; |
Label | ??? | The label text which appears inside or along the top border of the form field; A character in the label will be underlined if there is an ampersand (&) immediately before it. |
Location | – | The location (in pixels) of this form field in relation to the top-left corner of its parent form or parent container. |
X | – | The horizontal location of this form field. |
Y | – | The vertical location of this form field. |
Reverse Video | False | True → The text will appear in white on a black background; False → The text will appear in black on a white background; |
Size | – | The size of this form field in pixels. |
Width | – | The width of this form field. |
Height | – | The height of this form field. |
Visible | True | True → This form field will be visible by default. |
Visible Lines | 1 | The number of visible lines in this entry field, list box or combination list box. |
– Behavior
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Anchoring | Top, Left | When the window associated with this form field’s parent form is resized: Top → The top edge of this form field will maintain its distance from the top edge of the window; Bottom → The bottom edge of this form field will maintain its distance from the bottom edge of the window; Left → The left edge of this form field will maintain its distance from the left edge of the window; Right → The right edge of this form field will maintain its distance from the right edge of the window; None → The same as Top, Left. |
Auto Skip | False | True → The input focus will automatically skip to the next available form field after the value or state of this form field has been modified. |
Docking | None | Top → The top edge of the form field will be expanded and placed; Bottom → ; Left → ; Right → ; Fill → ; None → This form field. |
– Callback Events
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
All Callback Events | When any of the following callback event attributes is set to True, this form field will be able to trigger the corresponding callback event; After the event is triggered, the form input command will be terminated and the following values will populate the Event Vector: Event.EventType = “FormField”; Event.EventTag = the form field’s Field Tag attribute; Additional values relative to specific callback events (see below); Note: Callback events can only be triggered by a form field if it is available and contained in a form that has input focus. | |
Click | False | Triggered when the left mouse button is clicked within this form field; Event.EventName = “Click” added to the Event Vector. |
Double Click | False | Triggered when the left mouse button is double-clicked within this form field; Event.EventName = “DoubleClick” added to the Event Vector. |
Got Focus | False | Triggered when a mouse click, a tab key press or an accelerator key press causes this form field to acquire the input focus; Event.EventName = “GotFocus” added to the Event Vector. |
Lost Focus (Always) | False | Triggered when a mouse click, a tab key press or an accelerator key press causes this form field to lose the input focus; Event.EventName = “LostFocus” added to the Event Vector. |
Lost Focus (When Modified) | False | Triggered when a mouse click, a tab key press or an accelerator key press causes this form field to lose the input focus after its value has been modified (cf. Modified below); Event.EventName = “LostFocusModified” added to the Event Vector. |
Modified | False | Triggered when the value or state of this form field is modified by a left mouse button click; Event.EventName = “Modified” added to Event Vector. |
Right Click | False | Triggered when the right mouse button is clicked on or inside this form field; Event.EventName = “RightClick” added to the Event Vector. |
– Colors
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Background Color | variable | The background color of the form field, container or user interface object in R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) values; |
Foreground Color | variable | The foreground color of the form field, container or user interface object in R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) values. |
Inherit Background Color | variable | True → The form field or container will inherit the background color of its parent container or parent form object. |
Inherit Foreground Color | variable | True → The form field or container will inherit the foreground color of its parent container or parent form object. |
– Properties
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Availability | Available | The way in which the end-user will interact with this form field: Available → This form field can receive input focus and its contents can be modified; Unavailable → This form field cannot receive input focus and its contents cannot be modified; Guarded → This form field can receive input focus but its contents cannot be modified; Protected → This form field cannot receive input focus, its contents cannot be modified and it will appear grayed-out; |
Case | Mixed | The case in which the data contents of this form field will be displayed: Mixed → The data will be presented in its original case; Upper → The data will be displayed in upper case; Lower → The data will be displayed in lower case. |
Data Type | Alphanumeric | The data type of this form field: Alphanumeric → May contain letters, digits and punctuation; Non-Digit → May contain all characters except digits; Numeric → May contain digits, decimal point, plus and minus signs; Date → May contain digits according to the form specified in Input Mask; |
Default Data Value | “” | The default data value of this form field. |
Drop Style | Always Dropped | Always Dropped → ; Drive List → ; Directory List → ; File List → ; Multi-List → |
Length | 12 | The length of the data displayed in this form field |
Tab Index | 0 | The relative position of this form field in the tab sequence order for its parent container or form field; 0 → The relative position of the form field in the structure chart will be used instead. |
Tab Stop | True | True → This form field will be included in the tab order for its parent container or form; False → |
Z-Order | >= 10001 | The relative depth of this form field in relation to other form fields within the same parent container or form. |
– Style
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
Font | Microsoft Sans Serif, 8pt | The font in which text will be displayed inside this form field. |
Name | Microsoft Sans Serif | The system name of the selected font. |
Size | 8 | The size of the font in units. (Point is the default unit); |
Bold | False | True → The text inside this form field will appear in bold. |
Italic | False | True → The text inside this form field will appear in italic. |
Strikeout | False | True → The text inside this form field will appear with a line across. |
Underline | False | True → The text inside this form field will appear underlined. |
Inherit Font | False | True → This form field will inherit all the Font attributes from its parent (form, frame or tab control). |
ByJason Lee
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