The Graphic Object

The Graphic Object

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The Graphic Object

Main Characteristics of Graphic Objects

Graphic form fields are commonly used for constructing diagrams. A variety of graphic types are supported, including both closed figures and lines. The closed figure graphics are “rectangle”, “rounded rectangle”, “ellipse” and “diamond”. Horizontal and vertical lines are also supported.

Graphic Object Attributes

– Identification

Attribute NameDefault ValueDescription
Field TypeThe type of this form field or of this user interface object. (Read-only).
Field NamevariableA string that identifies this form field within the Zim application;
Automatically assigned by the Zim IDE when a new form field is created;
May be changed by the developer, but must always conform to the Zim Object Naming Rules and satisfy the Zim Object Uniqueness Conditions.
DirectoryZIMThe directory that owns the parent form of this form field (Read-only).
Form NameA string that identifies the parent form of this form field (Read-only).


– Appearance

Attribute NameDefault ValueDescription
LocationThe location (in pixels) of this form field in relation to the top-left corner of its parent form or parent container.
XThe horizontal location of this form field.
YThe vertical location of this form field.
Reverse VideoFalseTrue →  The text will appear in white on a black background;
False →  The text will appear in black on a white background;
SizeThe size of this form field in pixels.
WidthThe width of this form field.
HeightThe height of this form field.
VisibleTrueTrue →  This form field will be visible by default.


– Colors

Attribute NameDefault ValueDescription
Background ColorvariableThe background color of the form field, container or user interface object in R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) values;
Foreground ColorvariableThe foreground color of the form field, container or user interface object in R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) values.
Inherit Background ColorvariableTrue →  The form field or container will inherit the background color of its parent container or parent form object.
Inherit Foreground ColorvariableTrue →  The form field or container will inherit the foreground color of its parent container or parent form object.

– Style

Attribute NameDefault ValueDescription
Graphic StyleHorizontalThe shape of this graphic object:
Horizontal →  Horizontal line;
Vertical →  Vertical line;
Rectangle →  Rectangle (includes square);
Ellipse →  Ellipse (includes circle);
Diamond →  Diamond.
Line Width1The line width in points.
Hairline →  The line width will be always one pixel wide.


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