Categoria: DisplayForms (DFs)

The Original Internet Language

Field DirName

The name of an application directory (Directories); otherwise, the one application directory in which the associated object may exist. Valid Values An 18-character string, containing a valid object name Remarks In Directories: DirName is the name assigned to the directory. In other Object Dictionary entity sets: In any entity set, the principal object’s DirName must…
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Field WdgRow

The vertical position of the top edge of the object, expressed in twips. Valid Values A non-negative number (longint) Remarks In DisplayForms, indicates the vertical position of the top edge of the first occurrence of a repeated form in relation to the display. In FormFields, indicates the vertical position of the top edge of the…
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Field WdgCol

The horizontal position of the left edge of the object, expressed in twips. Required: Either Col (characters) or WdgCol (twips) must be specified Valid Values A number (longint) Remarks In DisplayForms, indicates the horizontal position of the left edge of the first occurrence of the form in relation to the display. In FormFields, indicates the…
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Field RA (RD)

Number and direction of the instances of a form in a display. RA is the number of repeats left-to-right across the display; RD is the number of repeats top-to-bottom down the display. The total number of instances of a particular form is the product of RA and RD (RA*RD). For example: Figure Valid Values An…
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Field LoadOrder

Order in which to load data into form instances in a display. Indicates how data is to be loaded into forms that are repeated in a display. Valid Values A 1-character code, as shown in the table below: Code Meaning R “Row major” order (left-to-right, top-to-bottom–default) C “Column-major” order (top-to-bottom, left-to-right)  

Field WdgVMargin

Vertical margin of an object. The top and bottom margins of the object, expressed in twips. Valid Values A non-negative number (longint) Remarks Indicates the unusable space immediately below the top edge and immediately above the bottom edge of the rectangle occupied by the object.  For DisplayForms objects, this refers to the form object identified by…
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Field WdgTag

A user-defined symbol that identifies an object involved in a user interface event. Valid Values A character string, up to 18 characters long Remarks When a user interface event occurs, the WdgTag values for the objects involved are assigned to special system variables (Event.EventTag, Event.FieldTag, Event.MenuItemTag). This information identifies the objects involved in the event.  The…
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Field WdgZOrder

Layer position of an object. When two objects overlap, WdgZOrder specifies the order in which they are “layered”. The object with the higher or highest number is on “top”. Valid Values An integer Remarks The Structure Chart of the Screen Painter displays the relative Z-order of all objects in the form or display. The Z-order…
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Field FSN

The form’s sequence number in a display. A user-assigned number that can be used to control the tabbing sequence within the forms of a display. Valid Values An integer (0 to 999). Remarks If FSN is set to 0, the software automatically resets it to match the Z-order (WdgZOrder) specified for the form.  Accordingly, if all…
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Field DisplayName

The name assigned to a display (Displays); or, the name of the display in which a particular form appears (DisplayForms). Valid Values An 18-character string, containing a valid object name See Also ConstName, DDObjectName, DDOwnerName, DirName, DocName, EntName, FieldName, FormName, MenuName, OwnerName, RelName, RoleName, SetName, UserName, VarName
