Categoria: Subcommands

The Original Internet Language


UNRELATED In a set specification, selects non-matching members of an EntitySet, a relationship with fields, an application document, or a result set. Syntax object (UNRELATED) Parameters object The name of an EntitySet, a relationship with fields, a form, a structured application document, or a set. Can be a role name for an EntitySet or relationship…
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INTERSECT Isolates the common members of two or more result sets. Syntax set1 INTERSECT set2 Parameters set1 A result set produced from the execution of a set-producing command. All sets in the command must have the same component structure. set2 A result set produced from the execution of a set-producing command. All sets in the…
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MINUS Removes the members of one or more result sets from a another result set. Syntax set1 MINUS set2 Parameters set1 A result set that resulted from the execution of a set-producing command. The sets must all have the same component structure. set2 A result set that resulted from the execution of a set-producing command.…
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