Categoria: SET Commands

The Original Internet Language


Specifies the current input document. Syntax SET INPUT docname [FILEPATH options] Parameters docname The name of the application document to which all output is to be sent. Can also be one of the two pre-defined application documents, terminal or printer. FILEPATH options Specifies that the input document will be governed by the options as follows:file://<the…
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SET (Field Attributes)

Modify certain attributes of fields. Syntax SET <fieldname> REQUIRED ON|OFF SET <fieldname> FIELDLISTWIDTH <number> SET <fieldname> HEADING <charstring> SET <fieldname> MASKFIELD <charstring> SET <fieldname> REMNAME <charstring> Parameters fieldname The name of a field. ON or OFF Specifies if the field can have the value $null. This is equivalent to changing the REQD field to “yes”…
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Turns the output of cross-reference information on or off during parsing and compiling. Syntax SET XREF ON|OFF Comments The XREF option is set OFF by default. When XREF is ON, the software sends dependency information to the current output when an application program is parsed or compiled. One line of output is generated for every…
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Resets most global application settings to their default state. Syntax SET RESET Comments The SET RESET command returns most global application settings to their default values. The global application settings reset to their defaults by SET RESET include SET AUTORETRY NOT APPLICABLE SET CHECKNULLS SET COLUMNSPACING SET CURSOR SET DELIMITER SET DOCLINELENGTH SET EOFVALUE SET…
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Establishes the format for data output. Syntax SET OUTPUT FORMAT [ NORMAL  |  COMMADELIMITED  |  XML  |  XMLSIMPLE  |  JSON  |  JSONSIMPLE ] Comments The value of OUTPUT FORMAT is NORMAL by default. That is, the LIST and OUTPUT commands create output whose format exactly follows the Object Dictionary definitions of the individual fields being…
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Enables or disables the requirement of typing the decimal point. Syntax SET DECIMALPOINT ON|OFF Comments The DECIMALPOINT option is set ON by default. DECIMALPOINT only has an effect on entry fields during FORM INPUT: When DECIMALPOINT is ON: typed digits fill the input mask from the right-most digit leftwards there is no need to type…
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Specifies index selectivity for indexed fields. Syntax SET SELECTIVITY fieldname value1 value2 value3 or SET < fieldname> SELECTIVITY value1 value2 value3 Parameters fieldname The name of an indexed field. value1 A number in the range 0.000 to 1.000. The number specifies the index selectivity for equality (=) searches. A number above or below the acceptable…
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Saves the current global application settings in their current state for later use. Syntax SET SAVE Comments The SET SAVE command records the current state of all global settings, and pushes the group of settings onto a stack of previously saved settings (if any). The SET RESTORE command pops the top group of settings off…
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Restores the top group of settings in the stack of saved global settings created by SET SAVE. Syntax SET RESTORE Comments The SET SAVE command records the current state of all global settings, and pushes the group of settings onto a stack of previously saved settings (if any). The SET RESTORE command pops the top…
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Instructs SQL commands to be generated with the FOR UPDATE OF option. Syntax SET FOR UPDATE ON|OFF Comments When connected to any SQL servers, the SQL syntax generated to perform operations on the remote server can be controlled to add the FOR UPDATE OF option on the primary key fields to SELECT commands. The option…
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