Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Specifies index selectivity for indexed fields. Syntax SET SELECTIVITY fieldname value1 value2 value3 or SET < fieldname> SELECTIVITY value1 value2 value3 Parameters fieldname The name of an indexed field. value1 A number in the range 0.000 to 1.000. The number specifies the index selectivity for equality (=) searches. A number above or below the acceptable…
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Replaces a portion of a character string with another character string. Syntax $replace(source,position,length,string) Parameters source a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string position a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number length a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number string a character string, or an…
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Displays how much time each command takes to execute. Syntax SET COMMANDTIMING ON|OFF Comments The COMMANDTIMING option is set OFF by default. The SET COMMANDTIMING command controls the output of command timing messages. In UNIX, the format of command timing messages is source, line, IU|RU, user ticks, elapsed user ticks, IS|RS, system ticks, elapsed system…
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=, <, <=, <>, >, >= (Condition)

Compares two expressions and returns a value of “true” or “false”. Syntax expression1 = < <= <> > >= expression2 Parameters expression1 any value expression expression2 any value expression Return Value Logical Comments In a conditional expression, the less than sign (<) compares the expressions to its left and right, and is logically true if…
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Saves the current global application settings in their current state for later use. Syntax SET SAVE Comments The SET SAVE command records the current state of all global settings, and pushes the group of settings onto a stack of previously saved settings (if any). The SET RESTORE command pops the top group of settings off…
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Checks if an application program needs to be recompiled. Syntax $compilestatus(docname) Parameters docname the name of an application document (not in quotation marks) Return Value Number, with no decimal places. Comments $compilestatus checks, in order, a series of conditions in relation to docname. As soon as docname fails to meet a condition, $compilestatus returns the…
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Enables conditional execution of commands. Syntax CASE WHEN expression commands1 [OTHERWISE commands2] ENDCASE Parameters expression A logical expression (using conditional or Boolean operators). commands1 Commands that are executed if expression is logically true. commands2 Commands that are executed if expression is logically false. Comments A CASE command must always have a corresponding ENDCASE. Any number…
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Fills part of a string with a specified character Syntax $fill(source,position,length,string) Parameters source a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string position a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number length a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number string a character string, or an expression that…
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Finds records that match specified conditions, producing a result set. Syntax FIND [ num] [ setspec] [EVALUATE clause] [-> clause] Parameters num The number of records to be found. Num can be an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. If num is omitted,…
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Restores the top group of settings in the stack of saved global settings created by SET SAVE. Syntax SET RESTORE Comments The SET SAVE command records the current state of all global settings, and pushes the group of settings onto a stack of previously saved settings (if any). The SET RESTORE command pops the top…
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