Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Presents online help information. Syntax HELP [topic] Parameters For files that invoke the winhelp executable topic A character string or a number, or an expression that evaluates to a character string or a number. Identifies a particular help topic in the help file. If topic is a character string, the HELP command accesses the help…
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Starts and defines a procedure. Syntax PROCEDURE procname ([IN|OUT|INOUT] parm) [LOCAL (var)] Parameters procname A valid object name. Procname must be the name of the existing application document that contains this procedure and must not conflict with a system keyword. IN, OUT, or INOUT Designates the direction in which the associated parm passes a value:…
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Defines and marks the start of a local procedure within an application program. Syntax LOCALPROCEDURE procname> ([IN|OUT|INOUT] parm)[LOCAL(var)] Parameters procname   A valid object name. The name of the local procedure cannot conflict with a software keyword. When a local procedure name conflicts with a pre-defined object name, the local procedure name takes precedence, provided…
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Breaks the body of column-oriented reports into summary groups. Syntax COLUMN BREAK level [HEADING reportitem [:format:]] [FOOTING reportitem [:format:]] Parameters level The break level number (an integer greater than or equal to zero). In the hierarchy of breaks, the higher the level number, the more minor the break. (For example, a level 1 break also…
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Enables conditional execution of commands. Syntax CASE WHEN expression commands1 [OTHERWISE commands2] ENDCASE Parameters expression A logical expression (using conditional or Boolean operators). commands1 Commands that are executed if expression is logically true. commands2 Commands that are executed if expression is logically false. Comments A CASE command must always have a corresponding ENDCASE. Any number…
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Finds records that match specified conditions, producing a result set. Syntax FIND [ num] [ setspec] [EVALUATE clause] [-> clause] Parameters num The number of records to be found. Num can be an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. If num is omitted,…
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Grants permission to other users to access your data. Syntax #1 Sets permission for access to EntitySets or relationships. PERMISSION object who [READ] [ADD] [CHANGE] [DELETE] Parameters object Specifies the name of an EntitySet or relationship. who Identifies the users to whom the specified object permissions apply; who can be OWNER Anyone who shares the…
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Enables repeated execution of a block of command. Syntax WHILE [expression] commands ENDWHILE Parameters expression A logic expression. If expression includes fields from the current set, then it is evaluated using the values of the specified fields in the current member of the set. ENDWHILE Marks the end of the WHILE structure. A WHILE command…
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Lists data from the database. Syntax LIST [ num] [ setspec] [EVALUATE clause ] [FORMAT expression [HEADING expression]] [-> clause] Parameters num The number of records to be listed. Num can be an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200); a variable, form field, menu item, or formal parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. If…
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Produces or deletes object dependency information. Syntax DEPENDENCY [RESET] [FOR] [object] Parameters RESET Instructs the software to delete all saved dependency information for the specified object(s). If no object is named, all dependency information is deleted. object The name of an object for which you want to output dependency information, or whose dependency information you…
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