Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Opens an application directory to use the objects contained in it. Syntax ACCESS dirname [READ|UPDATE] Parameters dirname Specifies the name of an application directory. READ Specifies that you can only read object definitions in dirname, not update object definitions. If neither READ nor UPDATE is specified, READ is the default value. UPDATE Specifies that you…
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( ) Parentheses

Alters the order of evaluation of expressions, or groups expressions, or both. Syntax #1 Alters the order of evaluation in expressions. (expression) Within a larger expression, a single expression placed in parentheses changes the order of execution (which normally depends on the precedence of operators). Parameters expression an arithmetic or logic expression Syntax #2 Groups…
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Returns the unique values from a series of successive values. Syntax $distinct(expression) Parameters expression any expression Return Value This function returns the unique values from a series of successive values. For each instance of its argument, $distinct returns a value that depends on the immediately previous value of the argument. If the previous and current…
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Performs a Boolean OR of two logic expressions. Syntax expression1 OR expression2 Parameters expression1 A logic expression using conditional and Boolean operators. If the expression is complex, it must be enclosed in parentheses. expression2 A logic expression using conditional and Boolean operators. If the expression is complex, it must be enclosed in parentheses. Return Value…
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\ (Escape)

Causes the following character to be treated literally, or as a hex code in a character string; indicates continuation of a command on the subsequent line. Syntax #1 Causes the character that follows it in a string to be treated literally. \char Parameters char any single character that is to be treated literally in a…
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Moves the current member pointer one or more members “down” in a result set. Syntax DOWN [num] [setname] Parameters num The number of members farther “down” into setname that the current member pointer is to be moved. Num can be an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an…
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Extracts a segment from the front of a character string. Syntax $left(source,length) Parameters source a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string length a number or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Character string, consisting of a string containing length characters from source, starting in the first position.…
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% (Wildcard)

Used with the LIKE operator to construct patterns for matching. Comments Used with the LIKE operator in logic expressions, the % wildcard matches zero or any number of subsequent characters when the pattern on the right is compared to expression1. Example “_ ob%” Matches any character string whose second and third letters are ob, followed…
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Applies a mask pattern to the specified data item. For a more detailed explanation of mask patterns and their relation to data types, see Masking. Syntax $mask(item,pattern) Parameters item A value of any type or an expression that yields a value of any type; or An field of any data type. pattern The mask pattern…
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Converts an expression to the character data type and sets the length of the result. Syntax $tocharacter(expression,length) Parameters expression Any value, or an expression that yields any value. length A number that specifies the number of characters in the resulting character string. Length can be a constant, a variable, a form field, or a parameter.…
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