Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Calculates a date value by adding months to (or subtracting months from) a specified date value. Syntax $addmonths(date,number) where date a date, or an expression that evaluates to a DATE data type number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Number, representing a DATE value. Comments Use $addmonths to perform…
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Tests a single Zim command, or an application program, for syntactic and semantic accuracy. Syntax PARSE commandstring | docname Parameters commandstring Any character string, enclosed in quotation marks, that represents a Zim command to be parsed. docname The name of an application document that contains an application program to be parsed. Comments The PARSE command…
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Assigns a value to a variable object. Syntax LET expression Parameters target A global or local variable, a form field or menu item, a parameter, or a macro can be used. Subscripted (array) variables are valid. expression Any value expression. The value of expression is assigned to target. Expression can include literals, constants, global or…
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Compares one value to a specified range of values. Syntax expression [NOT] BETWEEN expr1 AND expr2 Parameters expression An expression that evaluates to either a number or a character string. expr1 An expression that evaluates to either a number or a character string. expr2 An expression that evaluates to either a number or a character…
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Indicates if an explicit transaction is in progress. Syntax $intransaction Return Value “1” ($True), or “0” ($False). Can be reset by an application program. Description $InTransaction acts as a flag, indicating if the software is currently processing an explicit transaction. $InTransaction is set to “1” ($True) if a TRANSACTION (or BEGIN WORK) command has started…
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Computes the results of one or more expressions for a set of records. Syntax COMPUTE [num] [setspec] EVALUATE clause [-> clause] Parameters num Can bean integer constant (15, 200);a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an integer;the word ALL.If num is omitted, or less than 0, it defaults to ALL. setspec The set…
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Gets serial input from the application user. Syntax INPUT «target» Parameters target A list of one or more global or local variables, form fields, menu items, parameters, or macros, in any combination. Subscripted (array) variables are valid. Each item must be separated from the next by a space. Comments INPUT provides a simple means of…
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Generates a pseudo-random number, uniformly distributed within the range 0 to 1. Syntax $random(number) Parameters number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number, that acts as a seed for the random number generator Return Value Number, with the same number of decimal places as number. Comments Use $random to generate a series…
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Extracts a segment from the end of a character string. Syntax $right(source,length) Parameters source a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string length a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Character string, consisting of length characters from source, starting length character positions from the end of…
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Moves the current member pointer one or more members down in a result set. Syntax DOWN [num] [setname] Parameters num The number of members farther “down” into setname that the current member pointer is to be moved. Num can be an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an…
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