Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


The error severity level generated by the last command that returned an error severity level. Syntax $lasterrlevel Value A number (1 to 4). Can be reset by an application program. Description The error severity level of the most recently executed command that returned an error severity level other than 0 (success). Value Meaning 1 Information…
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Indicates the character set used by the application database. Syntax $dbcharset Return Value 2 for ANSI or 3 for UTF-8, depending on the character set specified when the database was initialized. Cannot be reset by an application program. Description When you initialize a new application database, the database (ZIMBOOT) administrative utility requires you to specify…
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The name of a graphics software package. Syntax $graphics Return Value A character string. Can be reset by an application program. Description Set by the application program to the name of a graphics program. $Graphics can be set to the name of a graphics program of your choosing. The name should include the full disk…
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Indicates the direction in which focus was moving when an event occurs. Syntax $direction Return Value A number (-1, 0, or +1.) Can be reset by an application program. Description The direction of travel of focus when an event occurred. Value Meaning -1 “Backward” direction. The focus was moving backward (with respect to the current…
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* (Multiply)

Multiplies one value by another. Syntax [expression1]*expression2 The asterisk (*) multiplies the expression on the left by the expression on the right. Parameters expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2 a number or expression that evaluates to a number Comments Arithmetic operators indicate the sign of a number or perform arithmetic…
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/ (Divide)

Divides one value by another. Syntax [expression1]/expression2 The oblique (or slash, /) is the division operator. It divides the expression on the left by the expression on the right. Parameters expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2 a number or expression that evaluates to a number Comments Arithmetic operators indicate the…
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+ (Add/Positive)

Indicates a positive value (unary +) or adds two values. Syntax [expression1]+expression2 The plus sign (+) adds the expression on the right to the expression on the left. Parameters expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2 a number or expression that evaluates to a number Comments Arithmetic operators indicate the sign…
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^ (Exponent)

Raises one value to the power of another. Syntax expression1 ^ expression2 The circumflex (^) raises the expression on the left to the power of the expression on the right. If the circumflex is not available on your terminal, substitute two asterisks (**). Parameters expression1 a number or expression that evaluates to a number expression2…
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$ (Template line join)

In a template program, indicates that the next line is to be joined to the current line at the output destination. Syntax linestart «$ linecontinue » where linestart any portion, from the beginning, of an output line linecontinue the remaining portion(s) of the same output line Comments In a template program, the dollar sign ($)…
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#(Macro call)

Marks a call to a macro in an application program. Syntax #<macroname> where macroname The name of a global or local macro. Return Value A macro call returns the current value of the macro or the null string (”). Comments This command calls a particular macro in an application program. A macro is a dynamically…
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