Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Sets the estimated number of records in an EntitySet, relationship, application document, or result set. Syntax #1 SET SIZE object size or SET object SIZE size Parameters object The name of an EntitySet, a relationship with fields, a structured application document, or a result set. size A positive number representing the estimated number of records…
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SET COMPILEMODE Controls the behavior of the Compiler. Syntax SET COMPILEMODE SQLMODE | ZIMMODE | SERVERMODE Comments The COMPILEMODE option is set to SQLMODE by default. The compiler generates SQL database code—that is, code bound to a particular SQL database type. In ZIMMODE, EntType, RelType, and so on, are ignored. The compiler generates standard Zim…
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Specifies the current field delimiter. Syntax SET DELIMITER character Parameters character Any valid character. The space, forward slash, comma, and quotation mark are the most commonly used. If character is not a letter or a digit, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If character is a special character such as space or backslash, it…
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BREAK (Loops)

Exits from a WHILE loop. Syntax BREAK Comments Upon encountering a BREAK command, the software continues execution at the first command following the ENDWHILE of the “innermost WHILE loop” containing the BREAK. Any IF or CASE statements that are still open when a BREAK command is executed are automatically closed. Example Consider the following code…
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Clears the screen and establishes the application window (BACKSCREEN) as the current window. Syntax SCREEN CLEAR Comments The SCREEN CLEAR command clears the contents of the application window (BACKSCREEN), hides any other windows that are currently displayed, makes the application window the current window, and places the cursor at the top, left-hand corner of the…
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Releases a connection to Zim Integrated Server on to an SQL database. Syntax DISCONNECT FROM [ “ZIMSERV” | “JDBCSAM” | alias name ] Parameters The alias name is one of the defined ones in the zimalias.zim configuration file. Comments The DISCONNECT command should only be issued after a CONNECT command has been successfully executed in…
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Branches from an exception handler to the command immediately following the command that caused the exception. Syntax GOTO NEXT Comments GOTO NEXT is used only in an exception handler and only to branch to the command immediately following the one that caused the exception to occur. GOTO NEXT exits the exception handler, and closes it…
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Moves the current member pointer one or more records “up” in a result set. Syntax UP [num] [setname] Parameters num Can be: an integer constant (15, 200); a variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. The default value of num is 1. If num is negative, the command effectively…
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Releases memory occupied by user-defined variables (including form fields and menu items) or result sets. Syntax DISPOSE option Parameters option Can be «item» The name of a variable, form field, menu item, form or menu whose current memory allocation is to be released. ALL Releases the current memory allocation of all user-defined variables, form fields,…
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Decrypts the data in an EntitySet or relationship with fields. Syntax DECRYPT object Parameters object The name of a previously encrypted entity set or a relationship with fields. A role name can be used. Comments Reverses an ENCRYPT command. If the data in the specified EntitySet or relationship was not previously encrypted, the command raises…
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