Categoria: ZIM 4GL Language Reference

The Original Internet Language


Provides a default value for an expression that can be $Null. Syntax $value(expression1,expression2) Parameters expression1 any expression expression2 any expression Return Value Same as the selected expression. Comments If expression1 is not $Null, $value returns the value of expression1; otherwise, it returns the value of expression2. Example detail line “Employee Number: ” $value(EmpNum,”N/A”) Traps $Null…
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File system path where one of the Zim executables started. Return Value A character string. Cannot be reset by an application program. Example C:\MyDirSubDir> zxclient -n mybase After invoking ZXCLIENT, in the prompt: > OUTPUT $startpath C:\MyDirSubDir See Also $ClipPath $DBPath $ImagePath $WorkPath $ZimPath $UserPath

BREAK (Loops)

Exits from a WHILE loop. Syntax BREAK Comments Upon encountering a BREAK command, the software continues execution at the first command following the ENDWHILE of the “innermost WHILE loop” containing the BREAK. Any IF or CASE statements that are still open when a BREAK command is executed are automatically closed. Example Consider the following code…
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Determines the day name associated with a specified date value. Syntax $dayname(date) Parameters date a data, or an expression that evaluates to a date, in the form YYYYMMDD Return Value Character string. Comments This function extracts day information from standard date values. Date is often the system variable $Date. The values returned by the $dayname…
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Tests if a character string contains only letters and digits. Syntax $isalphanumeric(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value 1-character binary string. Evaluates to 1 ($True) if string meets the validation test; otherwise, evaluates to 0 ($False). Comments This function tests if a particular character string…
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Left-justifies a character string. Syntax $leftjustify(string) Parameters string a character string or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Character string. Comments String is left-justified in a space that is $length(string) characters long. Leading spaces in string are ignored. Example $leftjustify(” abcde”) Evaluates to “abcde “. $leftjustify(var1) Evaluates to “3 ” if…
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Clears the screen and establishes the application window (BACKSCREEN) as the current window. Syntax SCREEN CLEAR Comments The SCREEN CLEAR command clears the contents of the application window (BACKSCREEN), hides any other windows that are currently displayed, makes the application window the current window, and places the cursor at the top, left-hand corner of the…
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Releases a connection to Zim Integrated Server on to an SQL database. Syntax DISCONNECT FROM [ “ZIMSERV” | “JDBCSAM” | alias name ] Parameters The alias name is one of the defined ones in the zimalias.zim configuration file. Comments The DISCONNECT command should only be issued after a CONNECT command has been successfully executed in…
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Checks a value to see if it is $Null. Syntax expression IS [NOT] $NULL Parameters expression Any expression. Return Value Logical. Comments An IS $NULL comparison is logically true if expression is valueless (unassigned). If expression has been assigned any value (including the null string), then the comparison is logically false. An IS NOT $NULL…
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Branches from an exception handler to the command immediately following the command that caused the exception. Syntax GOTO NEXT Comments GOTO NEXT is used only in an exception handler and only to branch to the command immediately following the one that caused the exception to occur. GOTO NEXT exits the exception handler, and closes it…
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