Categoria: Commands

The Original Internet Language


Grants permission to other users to access your data. Syntax #1 Sets permission for access to EntitySets or relationships. PERMISSION object who [READ] [ADD] [CHANGE] [DELETE] Parameters object Specifies the name of an EntitySet or relationship. who Identifies the users to whom the specified object permissions apply; who can be OWNER Anyone who shares the…
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Enables repeated execution of a block of command. Syntax WHILE [expression] commands ENDWHILE Parameters expression A logic expression. If expression includes fields from the current set, then it is evaluated using the values of the specified fields in the current member of the set. ENDWHILE Marks the end of the WHILE structure. A WHILE command…
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Lists data from the database. Syntax LIST [ num] [ setspec] [EVALUATE clause ] [FORMAT expression [HEADING expression]] [-> clause] Parameters num The number of records to be listed. Num can be an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200); a variable, form field, menu item, or formal parameter that evaluates to an integer; the word ALL. If…
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Produces or deletes object dependency information. Syntax DEPENDENCY [RESET] [FOR] [object] Parameters RESET Instructs the software to delete all saved dependency information for the specified object(s). If no object is named, all dependency information is deleted. object The name of an object for which you want to output dependency information, or whose dependency information you…
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Sends a command to the operating system. Syntax SYSTEM expression [RESET|CLOSE] [INVISIBLE] [BACKGROUND | REMOTE] Parameters expression Any expression that evaluates to a character string. Expression may include constants, variables, parameters, functions, and so on. RESET Causes all of the software’s internal data buffers to be flushed to disk. CLOSE The CLOSE option does not…
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Erases an object from an application directory. Syntax #1 Erases an object from an application directory. ERASE object name [FROM dirname] [KEEP] Parameters object One ofconstant, directory, display, document, EntitySet, form, menu, relationship, role, set, variable, window name The name of the object. dirname The name of the application directory from which object is erased.…
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Establishes a connection to Zim Integrated Server or an SQL database. Syntax connect to [ “ZIMSERV” | “JDBCSAM” | alias name ] using (database name, SQL server name, userid, password, server name, domain name) alias name is or as defined in the configuration file “zimalias.zim”. database name is the logical database name is either the…
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Branches to another location in an application program. Syntax GOTO labelname Parameters labelname An identifier that has been declared as a label in the procedure executing the GOTO command. Comments GOTO can be used only to branch forward or backward within the same procedure. To declare a label, type the labelname, followed by a colon,…
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Selects data for a report and specifies overall report format. Syntax REPORT [num] FROM [setspec] [GRAPHIC [TEMPLATE name]] [orientation] [PAUSE n] [format options] [-> clause] Parameters num Places a limit on the number of records from setspec used in the report. Num can be an integer constant (e.g., 15, 200), a variable, form field, menu…
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Creates an object in an application directory. Syntax #1 Creates an object in an application directory. CREATE object name [IN dirname][$fn <filenumber>] [DELETE | KEEP] CREATE object name [IN dirname] Parameters object [one_fourth] One of constant, directory, display, document, entityset, form, menu, relationship, role, set, variable, window name The name to be given to object.…
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