Categoria: Programs and Utilities

The Original Internet Language

Database Object Browser

Browsing Objects by Type The Object Browser provides a concise representation for database objects that belong to the selected database. In the treeview, each database node has a child node labelled Objects, which in turn contains one child node for each object category. Clicking on a particular category node will result in the Object Grid…
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Zim Database Configuration

Browsing the Zim Database Configuration The Zim Database Configuration utility displays and enables editing the contents of the zimconfig.zim configuration file for the selected Zim database. The column headers in the Zim Database Configuration grid are described in the table below: Column Description Option Name The Zim database configuration option Current Value The value assigned…
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Field DirName

The name of an application directory (Directories); otherwise, the one application directory in which the associated object may exist. Valid Values An 18-character string, containing a valid object name Remarks In Directories: DirName is the name assigned to the directory. In other Object Dictionary entity sets: In any entity set, the principal object’s DirName must…
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  A constant is a programming object. Wherever the constant name is used in an application program, the software uses the value assigned to that constant in the Constants entity set. Establishing a Constant   Call up the Zim IDE, select CONSTANTS from the DataBases menu, and use the tools of the Zim IDE Development …
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Field ConstValues

The value of the constant. Valid Values A character string or number (up to 256 alphanumeric characters).

Field ConstName

The name assigned to a constant. Valid Values A valid object name. See Also DDObjectName, DDOwnerName, DirName, DisplayName, DocName, EntName, FieldName, FormName, MenuName, OwnerName, RelName, RoleName, SetName, UserName, VarName.

Field ConstType

The data type of the constant’s value. Valid Values Char, varchar, alpha, varalpha, numeric, int, longint, vastint, or date Remarks If ConstType is $Null or blank, the data type of the constant is set to numeric when ConstValue is a number and to char in all other cases. For more information about data types, consult…
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Field ObjectKey

A unique identifier assigned by the Development Center. Valid Values A 25-character string (DEFAULT = $Null) Remarks ObjectKey is a unique identifier assigned by the Zim Development Center if the Object Manager (ZOM) has been enabled. End-users should not modify its value. Refer to the Development Center documentation for more information. ObjectKey has a defined…
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Types of Configuration Files

Configuration files are used to provide configuration options for various Zim:X programs utilities. They can be created or modified using any text editor or, in some cases, by means of the ZimAdmin utility. There are seven types of configuration files. The following table shows these configuration files in Zim:X, their corresponding file names, locations, and whether…
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Designing Tool Strips

Main Characteristics of Tool Strips A tool strip can have the following items: ✓  From the toolbox tab, add a toolstrip object to the existing form
