Categoria: ZIM User Documentation

The Original Internet Language


Zim Server Statistics The Statistics utility displays relevant information pertaining to the configuration and state of the selected Zim Server. The column headers in the Zim Server Statistics grid are described in the table below: Connections Maximum Connection The maximum number of users that can be connected simultaneously to the selected Zim Server Current Connections…
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ZimServer Configuration

Browsing the Zim Server Configuration The Zim Server Configuration utility displays and enables editing the contents of the zimconfig.srv configuration file for the selected Zim Server. The column headers in the Zim Server Configuration grid are described in the table below: Column Description Option Name The Zim Server configuration option Current Value The value assigned…
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Database Object Browser

Browsing Objects by Type The Object Browser provides a concise representation for database objects that belong to the selected database. In the treeview, each database node has a child node labelled Objects, which in turn contains one child node for each object category. Clicking on a particular category node will result in the Object Grid…
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O Zim Explore é um console de gerenciamento gráfico simples, mas poderoso, que fornece uma única interface gráfica para configurar, monitorar e gerenciar todos os bancos de dados Zim e todas as máquinas Zim Server em uma rede Zim. Toda a rede Zim é representada como uma visualização em árvore, com cada Zim Server ocupando…
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Zim Database Configuration

Browsing the Zim Database Configuration The Zim Database Configuration utility displays and enables editing the contents of the zimconfig.zim configuration file for the selected Zim database. The column headers in the Zim Database Configuration grid are described in the table below: Column Description Option Name The Zim database configuration option Current Value The value assigned…
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Field LGSel

(Refer to the description under BWSel.)

Field EQSel

(Refer to the description under BWSel.)

Field DocType

A user-assigned classification for a document. Valid Values Up to 18 alphanumeric characters

Field EntType

A user-assigned classification for an entity set. Valid Values Up to 18 alphanumeric characters

Field WinName

The name assigned to a window. Valid Values An 18-character string, containing a valid object name
