Categoria: ZIM User Documentation

The Original Internet Language

Field DocPerUser

Whether this Document is defined to be per user. Valid Values “yes” or “no” (the default value is “no”). Remarks Normally, Documents are located in a place pointed by its FileName field. However, with DocPerUser set to “yes”, the corresponding document has the following behaviour: . They are handled by the current session and their…
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Field RelPerUser

Whether this relationship is defined to be per user. Valid Values “yes” or “no” (the default value is “no”). Remarks The RelPerUser field only applies to Relationships with fields because there is no physical file to be handled. Normally, Relationships with fields belong to the database and are managed by ZimServer. However, per user Relationships…
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Field EntPerUser

Whether this entity set is defined to be per user. Valid Values “yes” or “no” (the default value is “no”). Remarks Normally, entity sets belong to the database and are managed by ZimServer. However, per user entity sets have these differences: . They are handled by the current session and their information is lost after…
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A temporary file system path where ZIMQTC stores intermediate files and caching information. Return Value A character string. Cannot be reset by an application program. Description This file path usually points to the Users directory (locally) in the client machine and is accessible by the user running ZIMQTC as the sole owner of the files therein.…
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The function $escapeXML translates the parameter looking for characters that might disrupt a XML output. Syntax $EscapeXML(expression) Parameters expression an expression that evaluates to a string Return Value A character string translated according to XML standards. Example OUT $ESCAPEXML(“ab<cd”) ab<cd See Also SET OUTPUT FORMAT XMLSIMPLE SET XML ROWELEMENT SET XMLHEADER


Captures and updates the status of an open window. Syntax WINDOW STATUS [window] Parameters window where window can be: name: The name of an open window. The software looks up name in the currently accessed directories in the usual way. A compiled command using name contains the unambiguous name of the window (including a reference to an…
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Selecting by the Defined Property

Objects can be selected by querying the defined property using the selection criteria “d”. All objects that are defined (i.e., described in the Object Dictionary) are selected. For example, in the following command, all the defined objects are selected for use by the ZOMLIST service: ZOMList +p d In the next example, all objects that are not defined are…
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Zim Object Uniqueness Conditions

In the Zim language, the children of an object are represented as having a dot (“.” ) between its name and the name of its parent. For instance, a push button whose name is pButton in the form fAddCustomer in the directory dCustomerRecord will be represented as  dCustomerRecord.fAddCustomer.pButton The complete reference to the object needs to be unique in a database.…
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Defining Tables in Zim

When an EntitySet or data relationship is created, it is declared to be a table managed either by Zim or by an SQL server. This declaration is done by the field EntType in the data dictionary EntitySet EntitySets or, for data relationships only, in the field RelType in the data dictionary EntitySet Relationships. This flag…
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The GUI Designer

Main Characteristics of the GUI Designer The Graphical User Interface Designer (GUI Designer) is where windows, displays, forms and menus are designed, edited and configured; The GUI Designer is also used for editing documents and displaying attributes of database objects Several objects may be edited simultaneously; For each currently open object, a tab, displaying the name of the object, is added to the…
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