Categoria: ZIM User Documentation

The Original Internet Language


Builds a single character string out of separate strings, inserting a separator string. Syntax $squeeze(separator «,string») Parameters separator A character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string. Separator is placed between each instance of string. string A character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string. Leading and trailing blanks…
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UNION Combines the members of two or more result sets into a single set. Syntax set1 UNION set2 Parameters set1 The name of a result set that resulted from the execution of a set-producing command. Set1 and set2 must have the same component structure. set2 The name of a result set that resulted from the…
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Calculates a date value by adding weeks to (or subtracting weeks from) a specified date value. Syntax $addweeks(date,number) Parameters date a date, or an expression that evaluates to a DATE data type number a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number Return Value Number, representing a DATE value. Comments Use $addweeks to perform…
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Generates the “sounds-like” value of a string. Syntax $soundex(source) Parameters source a character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string Return Value Character string (alpha). Comments $soundex yields a “sounds-like” value for source. The value is created using an heuristic algorithm and is based on English pronunciation. When $soundex is applied to…
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Outputs the results of one or more expressions. Syntax OUTPUT [expression] [;] Parameters expression Any valid expression. Complex expressions must be enclosed in parentheses. When you specify more than one expression, each must be separated from the next by at least one space. Comments OUTPUT evaluates expression and sends the result to the current output…
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SET COMPILEMODE Controls the behavior of the Compiler. Syntax SET COMPILEMODE SQLMODE | ZIMMODE | SERVERMODE Comments The COMPILEMODE option is set to SQLMODE by default. The compiler generates SQL database code—that is, code bound to a particular SQL database type. In ZIMMODE, EntType, RelType, and so on, are ignored. The compiler generates standard Zim…
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Compares one value to a list of values. Syntax expression [NOT] IN («expr») Parameters expression An expression that evaluates to either a number or a character string. expr A list of expressions whose values are to be compared to expression. Members of the list are separated from one another by commas. Return Value Logical Comments…
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Copies files from the client side to the server side. Syntax $copytoserver(source file name, destination file name, file type) where source file name an expression that evaluates to a character string containing a valid file address destination file name an expression that evaluates to a character string containing a valid file address file type an…
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Specifies the current field delimiter. Syntax SET DELIMITER character Parameters character Any valid character. The space, forward slash, comma, and quotation mark are the most commonly used. If character is not a letter or a digit, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If character is a special character such as space or backslash, it…
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COMPLETE Used as a part of a set specification to select both matching and non-matching members of an EntitySet, a relationship with fields, a form, a menu, a result set, or a structured application document. Syntax object (COMPLETE) Parameters object The name of an EntitySet, a relationship with fields, a structured application document, a form,…
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