Categoria: ZIM Product Suite

The Original Internet Language

Database Backup

A well-designed database application is of no use if data and the application are not available 100% of the time. Data loss and corruption are not common in most systems, but occasional occurrences are unavoidable. Some of the events that can cause data loss include the following: Event Description User error Individual records, or even…
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Logging in to a Database

The driver provides a login dialog under one of two conditions. The login appears if the application using the driver passes it a blank user id or password the user id or password variables are not defined in the registry The User ID and Password passed to the driver from the application override those defined…
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Using Per User Entity Sets

Even though per user entity sets are private and only seen by the user that created them, they can still be available to an ODBC Driver connection by means of the Dynamic Creation of a Data Source, which informs the work path that contains the per user entity sets. When the third party software connects…
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ODBC Driver

Zim supports Microsoft Open Database Connectivity Drivers (ODBC, defined by Microsoft as a standard way for applications to access data stored in database files) which allows third-party tools to access a Zim database via the Zim ODBC Driver. This driver is used to access data from a Zim database that is either local to the…
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Supported SQL Grammar

Note: In Zim, constant strings can be represented either surrounded in single quotes (‘) or double quotes (“). In SQL, constant strings are surrounded by single quotes (‘) whereas identifiers are surrounded by double quotes (“). statement ::= SELECT select | INSERT insert | DELETE delete | UPDATE update | passthroughSQL passthroughSQL ::= any statement…
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Configuring a Data Source

An ODBC Data Source to access a Zim database can be configured in two different ways: . Using the Zim ODBC Driver Setup to create a data source; . Using Zim language to dynamically create and maintain a data source tailored for specific needs like calling a third party software from within Zim. In both…
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Server Side Functions with Input Parameters

If the server function requires parameters (called input host variables), these can be supplied by placing parameter markers in the syntax (indicated with a ‘?’) and then specifying the parameters as the second and subsequent arguments to $ServerFunction. Here is an example: change all orders where orderno = 1003 \ let RequiredByDate = $ServerFunc(‘trunc( ?,…
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The various XML technologies incorporated into ZimWeb may require references from one source to another (e.g. one XSLT stylesheet referencing another, or a reference to an external image in XSL-FO).   The following explains precisely how references to other sources (URIs) are interpreted in different circumstances. URIs in XML generated by the Zim database agent…
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Security Guidelines for ZimWeb Applications

Key Guidelines for Creating Secure ZimWeb Applications Secure access to the ZimWeb Administration servlet such that unpriviledged users cannot access it.The installation instructions for Tomcat (See Installation) show how to reserve it for a given user name and password. Ensure that the client DEBUG facility is disabled by default by setting the allow-debug configuration option…
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Introduction to ZimWeb

Adding More Power and Flexibility to Zim Zim is a powerful and flexible environment for developing and using all types of database applications. Zim‘s Entity-Relationship (ER) data model and fully-integrated Object Dictionary enable progressive program development, whether the information processing system is simple or complex. Zim Server provides a database server capability that can be…
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