$center (or $centre)

$center (or $centre)

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$center (or $centre)

Centers a non-blank character string.


$center(string) | $centre(string)


stringa character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string

Return Value

Character string, consisting of string centered in a space $length(string) characters long. Leading or trailing blanks in string are ignored during centering. If string contains an odd number of characters, it centers with a bias to the left.


String is centered in an area that is $length(string) characters long. All leading and trailing blanks in string are ignored. If string contains an odd number of characters, the string is centered with a bias to the left.


$center("abcde ")

Evaluates to ” abcde “. Centering five characters in a 10-character field produces a string that contains two spaces on the left and three spaces on the right.


Evaluates to ” 3 “. If var3 is an INT variable whose value is 3, the resulting value is a string of eight characters, with three spaces to the left of the 3 and four spaces to the right. (INT values occupy eight character spaces when converted to character strings.)

See Also




About Character Literals

About Data Types

About Functional Expressions

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